Online Classes

Check back for new fall Schedule

K-1 Math Skills

In this ongoing afternoon class, students are learning strategies for efficient adding and subtracting single and two-digit numbers, using “Ten Frames,” number lines and the 100 chart.  The children develop “numeracy,” a foundation for “fluency with numbers.” 

Learning to find the “hidden” math problems in numbers

“Hungry numbers,” addition facts, adding to make 10

Commutative property

Foundations for multiplication: groups, and numbers in a group

Strategies for working with large numbers using the 100 chart

Working with addition and subtraction on a number line

Language Arts for Gifted Learners K-2

This ongoing class is for children who are already reading and benefit from enrichment and skill development with peers who share an interest in language, story telling and the tools of written communication.

In this class, students learn about colorful descriptive writing.

Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Prepositions and prepositional phrases

Compound words

Spelling, sound and meaning with homonyms and homophones 

Reading a text as characters and narrators, learning to read in a character voice “on cue” 

Writing for “Showing” the reader, not “Telling” the reader

Exploring characters

Reading one’s own work aloud


Punctuation, periods, commas, and quotation marks 

Writing a piece as a class, improving on the story

Discovering areas of personal interest and expanding story writing through these areas. 

Art Class:

In this ongoing drop-in class, students learn to draw animals and characters by using “visual thinking” learning to break down an image into simple component parts that are relative to each other. In this class, students follow along with step by step live drawing. 

In this class, we begin by taking a few minutes to look at images of the animal or subject of the art lesson. The students share what they already know about the animal or subject and then learn a little more as I provide more depth of information. 

The children have learned to draw pandas, dolphins, flamingos, penguins, otters, desserts, jellyfish, butterflies and so much more.

The students have learned to draw landscapes and waterscapes and insert any animals that they like into them. 

I teach art for all ages, from 4 1/2 years old to 75+ years old.

I help people develop their skills so they can excel in their expression and discover the beauty and messages that are inside, ready to emerge through art. 


I use mindfulness and breath in all of my classes to help children focus their minds, connect with their inner state and become more centered in the present moment. 

Candle Circle 

This class is for children ages 5 - 8. 

Mindfulness practices help students focus and develop self-regulation and self awareness.

In Candle Circle, students learn how to become calm and peaceful. 

Children express themselves differently when they feel safe in the presence of others. 

We talk about what we are grateful for, what we value and why, how to be present and clear with our feelings, learn how to be OK with the way it is now, how to observe and not judge, how to accept, see other perspectives and learn about how our choices help us learn more about ourselves.

Space Science

We will begin learning about the formation of stars, learn about the sun, light, seasons and time on earth, moon phases, the ISS, thew solar system with all of the planets and their moons, the Kuiper belt and beyond, nearby stars, constellations, nebulae, supernova, black holes, galaxies and more!

There will be hands on projects to do at home and night time observations to make. Books and online resources will be used in the class to give students a practical way to relate to cosmic phenomena as citizens of earth. This class will also hopefully inspire their sense of awe and wonder too.