It is an honor to be among the 29 presenters with the SEL Symposium

Experience 29 gifted speakers — including Bessel Van Der Kolk, Marianne Williamson, Ashanti Branch, Houston Kraft, Meena Srinivasan, Jamila Thomas, Ilana Nankin, PhD, Dr. Christopher Willard, myself, and many others — supporting your teaching journey with simple yet powerful tools you can immediately apply in the classroom to create more peace, calm, stability, and centeredness for you and your students.

This inspiring lineup of thoughtfully selected SEL experts from around the world will offer you actionable insights, practices, and demonstrations

… weaving together honest, inspiring conversations with leading-edge thought leaders in the transformational education space with experiential activities you can master right now.

During this unparalleled 2-day gathering, you’ll discover:

  • Tips on incorporating mindfulness self-care for teachers into your daily practice — and the neuroscience supporting mindfulness as a mechanism of positive change

  • How the 3 doors of trust, surrender, and compassion can enhance alignment, harmony, joy, and grace in your day-to-day life

  • The definition of a beloved learning community, and how to develop adult competencies and facilitation skills to make classrooms safe places for children to thrive

  • The transformative impact of positive community building and behavior support on student engagement — leading to high student EQ (emotional intelligence) and academic achievement

  • An exercise that can shift awareness and create conversations that invite students into the space of acceptance and inner light

  • How teachers are currently being equipped through SEL (social-emotional learning) training to meet the unprecedented post-pandemic challenges experienced in the classroom

  • And much more…

Join the symposium to take a deep breath, replenish your soul after another trying year, and connect with others around the world who are on the same path.

You are not alone… you are part of a global community of teachers, counselors, and school administrators striving to educate and guide thoughtful, conscious, socially aware children into maturity as functional adults who are well prepared for life’s journey.


Acceptance reduces Resistance.

Resistance is a “catch-all” word for all of the internal and external interference that occurs when learning opportunities are presented. Anxiety, worry, concern, doubt, trepidation, fear… these and other internal forces present challenges to learning and going forward.

Children want to learn and their natural inclination is to be curious and explore their opportunities to experience their potential. Children also need guidance, modeling and help with learning patience, persistence and resilience to become confident.

By being Accepting and not feeding into resistance (with judgement, criticism, or other escalating emotions), we create more space to allow learning to unfold. Acceptance actually reduces the “resistance in the room” and allows for more space and freedom.

There is a deep implication of Trust when we Accept. We let go of judging a person/behavior/situation and let go of trying to control it to make it fit our preferences. Instead, Acceptance helps make new choices that move in the direction of reducing resistance and we learn to Trust the unfolding of the learning that we, on a deeper level, truly want to experience and want to help others to experience.

Inner Light Meditation for Children

When children learn to meditate, they gain more than self-regulation skills that help them calm down and engage with activities and assignments. Children who meditate and connect with their Inner Light, also gain a sense of confidence that permeates everything they do.

Through this process, children connect with the positivity, love, wisdom, gentleness and honesty at the core of who they are. With this connection, it is so much easier for children to handle resistance and make positive, empowering choices.

Please send me an email at: if you would like to learn more about the Inner Light Meditation for your child or students.

Helping Students Feel Heard and Experience Belonging in their Learning Community

Children really benefit from expressing themselves and being heard.

Please send me an email at: if you would like to learn more about forming and facilitating small group SEL activities and “compassionate listening” for your child or students.